Inspiration behind the Church Cat

December 22, 2019

Church Cat by Kimberly Potts, Artist

Last Fall I was out for an evening walk, when I suddenly "felt eyes."  I looked up and noticed a cat peering out at me from behind a beautiful stained glass window.  The cat never shifted its gaze from me.  I never forgot the image.  Most significantly, I never forgot the feeling, and the subsequent mood it created in my mind.  I call these moments little earthquakes.  A moment in time that will forever be cached in memory. But why...?

I finished "Church Cat" after returning from a very happy, restful and inspiring trip to Italy.  (Another blog post)  I had worked on "Church Cat" for months but could not quite get the "mood" right in this one.  Getting that aspect right is important to me.  I love to invite you, my viewer, to embark upon a visual adventure.  I encourage you to make up your own mind about what's going on in my pieces.  Sometimes I post my art on my FaceBook page for feedback.  I did this with "Church Cat" and got some very lovely responses.  My favorite response was from a long-time schoolmate:  "This painting reminds me to look for the unexpected.  It could be looking for you too!"

That type of feedback indicates to me that I may have hit the mark.  "Church Cat" is very atmospheric and shadowy.  The viewer may not see the cat instantly; instead, the cat slowly materializes.  Once the cat is seen, it cannot be un-seen.  This makes me smile. I do not dwell upon details; instead, I prefer to imply details by blending dark shadows against light areas.  When done correctly, I believe that this is when your imagination begins to play.  My ultimate goal is to create artwork that will raise in your mind questions such as... WOW, what's hiding in here?

In summary... I hoard these little earthquakes like nest eggs in my mind.  But why?  Because, for me, they are like little shocks that remind me there is definitely more going on here than my own perception of things.  I encourage each of you to be mindful of unexpected experiences.  Acknowledge and be open to them.  Know and acknowledge that the universe is probing and priming you for enlightenment.  Life is a beautiful vapor.  Savor every bit of it.

Joie de vivre'


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