When Dr. Jekyll joined me for a painting

October 18, 2017

When Dr. Jekyll joined me for a painting

I watch a lot of painting demonstrations on YouTube. I mean... a LOT. I am absolutely fascinated by those artists who can whip out a paining within a couple of hours, or even one day. These artists are calm, focused and seem very happy while creating, start-to-finish.

I’m one of those that labors over paintings. Painting could take me two weeks, if im working consistently, or a paining could take me two months or longer, if I get frustrated and walk away from it, which I commonly do.

But then... I get to the end and do not like the result.. Before I toss a “failed” painting into the trash, a strange thing happens... my inner Dr. Jekyll takes over. I become reckless and brave... and just go for it. I am consistently surprised at the results that I can achieve when I get to this point psychologically.


hmmmm... Why don’t I just start out with delish reckless abandon? My very good friend, and also an artist, has suggested that it is because I am both right- and left-brained. I like the analysis; It provides an explanation. Yet I much prefer the idea that I have an artistic “Dr. Jeckyll” that resides within me.  yeah, I’m sticking with that.

xoxo Kimberly P.

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